Who Am I?

I live in Highland Perthshire with my husband and two dogs. From our house on a hill we look over the pass of Killiecrankie and Grampian hills. I balance my passion for the work I do with a love of exploring wild places. We have holiday cottages, which Steve has developed from a former barn and I am taming some of the hillside into a garden.
I have been involved in teaching, consulting and coaching throughout my career. I trained with the School of Coaching in London in 1999 before joining the School’s teaching faculty. At the time I was working for the Change Partnership (Praesta Partners). I opened my own business in 2001, since when I have worked for many different clients: oil and gas operating and contractor companies; the NHS; local authorities; the civil service; prisons; law firms; telecoms; voluntary organisations, start-up businesses and creative-agencies; hair-dressing and retail.
I am an experienced and qualified coaching supervisor – through Bath Consultancy Group – with whom I am also an associate. I develop my practice through supervision and the application of leading approaches to systemic individual and team coaching. I am also a licenced practitioner of the Global Leadership Profile through Action Inquiry Associates.

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
John Muir